1. You can use any template which is background of complete site 2. Sign On page 2.1 shown the customization using HTML tags can be done (Headers, moving text and button added) 2.2 Provide user id , password and click Login 2.3 Upon login macro is run internally to sign in to host 3. Select User Option 3.1 Here the list of options given by host is customized and conevrted to a dropdown box 3.2 Select first option to see further customizations done 3.3 Here even the label given for drop down list is customized by user 4. List of User options are displayed 4.1 List is customized to display as list prefixed with button in front of it for selection instead of having input box to enter user selection 4.2 Control buttons at down are dispalyed as links 5. Select first option by clicing on button 5.1 On this page screen combination feature is used to list all the jobs in one page instead of navigating across multiple pages 5.2 Press F3 at this stage and go back till you are on Select user option page 6. Here click on button displayed with label "Get whidemo query tables" 6.1 On click of this button macro is called 6.2 This macro will use concept of looping to get complete list of libraries on all pages 6.3 Extract option in macro is used to display the output 6.4 Upon clicking continue button, internally macro will take input as F3 to get back to original screen 7. From dropdown list select sign off option