1. Web service is created to add a record in BOOK Inventory table on whidemo library. 2. This is achieved using chained integration objects where first service will login to host and enter into whidemo library, second service "Add Record" will be called to add data into table where user will be asked to provide inputs for the record details, last service "Sign off" is to log off from the host. 3. After you run the project in same URL after Project name append with /swagger-ui/ On swagger ui URL box provide following URL and Enter http://tetdemos.hclpnp.com/HATS5250Rest/rest/swagger.json 4. There are 3 API listed SignOn, Add Record and Sign Off Click on SignOn service and then POST button Under parameters section click on Example box, This will copy the content to Parameter body section Provide user name and password values and click on Try it Out button From Response body copy value of hPubLinkKey tag Then continue executing "Add Record" and "Sign Off" API, use the value of hPubLinkKey tag copied from previous API. After "Add record" the Response body should show message "Row added". Note : Copy the hpublinkkey value from first API output and provide as input to other 2 APIs If using Firefox poster : ---------------------------- User need to install firefox poster plugin to run this webservice or any other plugins used to run a webservice. Following are URL for each webservice : http://tetdemos.hclpnp.com/HATS5250Rest/rest/SignOn (Input to the service is userName and password parameter which is used to login to host, Output is hPubLinkKey which is used to run linked IO) http://tetdemos.hclpnp.com/HATS5250Rest/rest/AddRecord (Input to service are following parameters which are used to entry record authName, bookTitle, wareLoc, capStock, reStock, inStock, hPubLinkKey, Output is hPubLinkKey) http://tetdemos.hclpnp.com/HATS5250Rest/rest/SignOff (Input is hPubLinkKey)